сrane, power, load lifting mechanism, fuel, efficiencyAbstract
Mobile cranes with hydraulic drive refer to cyclic machines that are used to perform installation and other types of work. In accordance with the operating conditions of these cranes, the question arises about the effectiveness of their use in performing labor-intensive work.
The article is aimed at determining a number of indicators for assessing the state of lifting mechanisms in the composition of mobile cranes in their design, production and operation and determining the efficiency of each crane as part of three groups of mobile cranes of the same name and comparing them with each other, taking into account the reference information known to them and the simultaneous application of a systematic approach.
The studies performed are based on the use of system analysis and reference data for crane load lifting mechanisms, as a complex system, with functionally interconnected structural elements and capable of transferring energy. In addition, such a system is able to convert the power at the input into useful work at the output and, on this basis, characterize its internal state of the system through a number of dimensional and dimensionless indicators of the effectiveness of the crane lifting mechanism. According to the results of the study, the regularities of changes in the specific fuel consumption related to the useful power of the load lifting mechanisms and the weight of lifting the load by the crane were established. The obtained research results, for crane load lifting mechanisms, can be used at all stages of the life cycle. Thus, the internal state of crane load lifting mechanisms in terms of assessing overall efficiency can be diagnosed both at the stage of production completion and during operation, by measuring input and output parameters based on the use of modern means of recording these parameters.
Also, studies have established that the value of the total efficiency for cranes on a special chassis exceeds by more than three times the value of the same indicator for truck cranes. According to the results of the research, it was found that in the composition of each of the three groups of cranes of the same name, one of the mechanisms of lifting the load was identified, in which the relative fuel economy compared to the model crane is from (5 ... 26) kg in mass measurement. At the same time, for a model crane, this value is zero.
Based on this approach, it is possible to select an efficient crane mechanism for lifting cargo from an array of similar cranes or to design it for a given efficiency value with appropriate specific fuel consumption and relative fuel economy compared to the known crane design.
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