urban planning, urban construction and economy, post-war reconstructionAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of problems and prospects for the development of urban construction in Ukraine during the period of post-war reconstruction. Urban construction plays an important role in ensuring the ecological and historical sustainability of cities, therefore, taking into account these aspects, the urban construction industry should be developed. The successful development of urban construction requires cooperation between government agencies, the private sector, academic institutions and the public. It examines issues related to the state of the urban environment, ecology and historical aspects of urban planning. The algorithm for monitoring compliance with urban planning norms and rules during the construction of real estate objects is described in detail. Issues related to the competence of urban construction in the system of post-war reconstruction are also discussed. The article includes conclusions about the role of urban construction in post-war reconstruction and prospects for the development of this area in the future. The purpose of the article is to identify the current problems of the development of urban construction in Ukraine in the conditions of post-war reconstruction and to identify the prospects for the development of this industry. The article contains an analysis of the state of urban construction in Ukraine, identifies problems and prospects for the development of the urban construction industry, and also offers recommendations for improving the situation in this industry. The conditions of post-war reconstruction required effective planning and development of cities, which was an important component of the state's recovery process. The development of urban planning documents and their control helped to ensure compliance with norms and rules in construction and to ensure the quality of new buildings. Urban construction plays an important role in ensuring the ecological and historical sustainability of cities, therefore, taking into account these aspects, the urban construction industry should be developed. The successful development of urban construction requires cooperation between government agencies, the private sector, academic institutions and the public.
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