restaurants, consumption, meat, meat products, export, importAbstract
These studies analyzed the structure of meat production, outlined the share of sales of meat and meat products produced in Ukraine. The volume of meat export and import in time dynamics was studied in detail. It was established that the meat and meat products consumption fund fully meets the needs of the domestic market. Poultry production dominates in Ukraine. In recent years, our country has turned from an importer of this type of meat into an exporter. Chicken production has a number of competitive advantages compared to other types of meat, including the shortest raw meat procurement cycle and the lowest price. As a result, in recent years, the demand for this type of meat has been steadily growing both on the domestic and global markets. In general, the positive dynamics of poultry meat production in Ukraine indicates prospects for further expansion of its export. The volume of poultry meat exports increased to 459,000 tons. The poultry industry of Ukraine suffered significant losses due to the war and active hostilities, but at the same time, exporters managed to maintain the indicators of foreign sales at a typical level.
The standard of living of the population affects the meat market, as an important component of the food market of Ukraine. The most important food products include meat and meat products. It has been studied that despite the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine, producers are increasing the volume of meat products despite the decline of certain industries. The structure of the meat market is undergoing restructuring. Restaurants are expanding their range of poultry dishes. The increase in consumption is due to the growth of demand and the low solvency of the population, as the most available type of meat. However, the growth of citizens' incomes will be a significant factor in increasing the consumption of meat products, which will clearly determine the need to intensify the development of the livestock industry. Prospects for further research should be implemented in the field of development of enterprises participating in the meat products market in Ukraine.
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