
  • І. Halona National Transport University
  • О. Ihnatenko National Transport University
  • О. Kharchenko Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies



technologies, transport safety, transport technologies, cars, transport infrastructure


The growing number of traffic accidents and road deaths make traffic safety one of the most urgent problems of our time. Technological advancements in road transport and road infrastructure create a powerful potential for mitigating the risk of road accidents and ultimately saving lives. This study aims to analyse and evaluate the impact of technology on improving transportation safety with a focus on vehicle and infrastructure safety systems. The object of research is technologies aimed at preventing road accidents and reducing their consequences, while the subject of research is the role of these technologies in traffic safety. To achieve the goal, we used the following methods in this study. An analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources was carried out, which made it possible to assess the state of modern research in the field of transport safety and identify the most significant aspects of the technologies usage to reduce the risk of road accidents. Active participation in scientific discussions and exchange of views with leading scientists in this field allowed us to gain additional insights and evaluate the current state of research in transport safety. The study encompassed several tasks, including analysing and assessing modern car safety technologies. The research analysed the impact of existing car safety technologies on traffic accident statistics, outlining their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, the article explored the role of infrastructure, including intelligent traffic management and communication technologies, in enhancing overall traffic safety. We identified challenges, such as privacy and cyber security, related to the application of technology in transport security and outlined prospects for further development of this industry. The article highlights the importance of using technology to improve traffic safety. The findings allow us to determine that the development of car safety systems and infrastructure has the potential to reduce road accidents substantially. The recommendations from the study emphasise the need for further research in cyber security and standardisation of technologies to ensure their secure integration on roads. This approach to the technology implementation can help diminish the risk of road accidents and preserve human lives.

Author Biographies

І. Halona, National Transport University

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Transport Technologies

О. Ihnatenko, National Transport University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, Department of Transport Technologies

О. Kharchenko, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Transport Service and Logistics


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How to Cite

Halona І., Ihnatenko О., & Kharchenko О. (2023). THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN IMPROVING TRANSPORT SAFETY: VEHICLE AND INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY SYSTEMS. Municipal Economy of Cities, 6(180), 226–230.