
  • K. Velykykh O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



strategic planning, plan, management, organisational change, strategic management


It is possible to understand strategic planning as a process consisting of defining a vision of the future, systematically analysing opportunities and threats in the external environment, as well as strengths and weaknesses of the organisation to develop strategies and actions that contribute to achieving this vision.

Strategic management relies on strategic administration and planning, with some administrative aspects added during its implementation, such as organisational change, human resources management, control, performance, and organisational effectiveness. A factor of great importance for the success of strategic management is the strategy implementation process.

However, the models of organisational change developed in recent years are designed to manage general changes in organisations and do not have a specific approach to managing and implementing strategic planning and the changes caused by it, i.e., they are not models with a direct emphasis on strategic management.

The article aims to define the concepts of strategic planning and management, analyse strategic planning models, and determine strategic problems of developing a model of organisational change.

In the course of the research, we defined the concepts of strategic planning and strategic management by analysing the theoretical approaches of various authors.

As a result of the analysis, we concluded that strategic management, in which the structuring basis is strategic planning and strategic administration, in its implementation added some administrative aspects, such as system thinking, integrated control, change management, organisational learning, performance, and organisational effectiveness.

The article proposes a model of organisational change for efficient implementation of an organisation’s strategic planning. Thus, the strategic planning process requires a model of organisational change that will ensure its successful implementation. The proposed strategic planning process and the associated model of organisational change should be subject to constant refinement and improvement, both in theory and their application, to a particular organisation.

Author Biography

K. Velykykh, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Management and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Velykykh, K. (2024). STRATEGIC PLANNING AS AN EFFECTIVE TOOL OF ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE. Municipal Economy of Cities, 2(183), 43–47.