
  • М. Bahin O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv




land use, investment attractiveness of land, regions, integral assessment method, mathematical modelling


The article proves the relevance of the research on ensuring the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions. It determines the directions and features of providing the investment attractiveness of the regional lands. For this, the study solves the following tasks: determining the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions; characterising the toolset to ensure the investment attractiveness of the regional lands; identifying the factors affecting the investment attractiveness of the regional lands and developing a multi-level system of indicators; substantiating directions for the development of the method of integral assessment of the level of investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions.

The categorical apparatus for determining the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions, based on a set of interconnected spatial, economic, urban planning, ecological, innovative, safety, regulatory, and legal factors and the modern toolkit of geographical information systems, methods, and models, has been improved, which made it possible to build a quantitative basis for the development of scientifically grounded decisions regarding the attraction of investments in the field of land relations at the regional level.

The article improves the typological structure of investment attractiveness, which allows for singling out factors for building a multifactor system of evaluation indicators.

The author proposes a multi-level system of indicators for assessing the investment attractiveness of regional lands based on local, systemic factors for determining an integral indicator and developing a method of integral assessment. He develops a method of integral evaluation of the level of investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions based on a set of indicators, methods, and models, making it possible to form a quantitative basis for mathematical modelling and forecasting of factors.

Processes of mathematical modelling of factors of investment attractiveness of regional lands, based on applying correlation-regression analysis and model adequacy criteria to establish cause-and-effect relationships between indicators of investment attractiveness, gain further development.

The study develops mathematical models of the dependence between the integral factor of the investment attractiveness of the regional lands and the index of changes in the gross regional product per person to determine forecast trends.

The article forecasts the integral indicator of the investment attractiveness of the regional lands based on the results of mathematical modelling, which made it possible to form a quantitative basis for ensuring investment attractiveness.

Scientifically based recommendations for ensuring the investment attractiveness of the lands of the regions have been developed based on the assessment results, mathematical modelling, and forecasting to ensure investment attractiveness, taking into account the scenarios and measures of its growth and the possibility of using geoinformation monitoring maps.

Author Biography

М. Bahin, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Student at the Department of Land Administration and Geographic Information Systems


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How to Cite

Bahin М. (2024). ENSURING THE INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF REGIONAL LANDS. Municipal Economy of Cities, 4(185), 103–107. https://doi.org/10.33042/2522-1809-2024-4-185-103-107