Sculpture, aesthetics, public space, spatial organization, territory planning, urban image, modern trends, architectural and planning structure, three-dimensional composition, cultural heritage, system developmentAbstract
The visual and aesthetic expressiveness of public space is an important aspect in the formation of both individual and collective identity of the urban environment. In Ukraine, the processes of creating such spaces have gained particular importance over the last decade. Modern Ukrainian cities develop public spaces that not only attract residents and tourists, but also support national identity, reflect historical aspects and express the latest cultural trends. Urban sculptures in Ukraine are a key element in the formation of the visual and aesthetic expressiveness of modern cities. They determine the face of urban space, adding uniqueness and differences to it, creating a unique face of each city and region.
The placement of sculptures in urban spaces can influence spatial organization, defining pathways, creating visual interest, and establishing hierarchies in the urban environment. Sculptures can act as nodes that guide movement and interaction, shaping the way people navigate and experience the city. The integration of sculptures into architectural designs can blur the boundaries between art and architecture, fostering dialogue between the two disciplines and enriching the built environment with layers of meaning and cultural significance.
Sculpture has long been an integral part of architecture and urban spaces, actively influencing their aesthetics and spatial organization. Its role goes beyond simple decoration - sculptural objects form visual and semantic accents that contribute to the development of urban identity, involve the public in active interaction with space and influence its functional content. Sculpture is important not only as an object of art, but also as an active element of the urban environment, which is able to change its perception, give cultural and historical depth.
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