Sociocultural changes, urban environment, architectural transformation, social dynamics, Soviet ideology, architectural heritageAbstract
The study highlights the complex impact of Soviet architecture on the urban environment of Ivano-Frankivsk, examining the social, cultural, and spatial changes that occurred during the Soviet period. Ivano-Frankivsk, historically rich in architectural heritage and cultural diversity, underwent significant transformation under socialist policy. During this period, the city’s architecture adopted distinctive features restrained lines, monumental forms, and minimal ornamentation that aligned with the broader principles of socialist realism. The expansion of residential construction, the introduction of standardized housing districts, and an emphasis on functionality reflected the state's efforts to shape a "new socialist way of life" and foster a collective social consciousness.
In the context of rapid population growth and increased demand for housing, the Soviet architectural model introduced the concept of standardized, multi-stage residential construction, intended to meet the needs of a large urban population. One of the main transformations involved the social effects of housing policy, including the shift away from traditional architectural styles, the loss of national identity in the urban space, and a reduction in the uniqueness of residential areas. The article examines how these architectural changes influenced social dynamics, the emergence of new social groups, and the formation of urban residents’ identities.
Special attention is given to the analysis of communal spaces and cultural centers, including parks, squares, and public buildings, which served as focal points for community gathering and the creation of a shared social space. The application of Soviet architectural design principles aimed to transform the urban environment into a symbol of ideological unity and discipline. However, this approach often led to a sense of disconnection among citizens from their surroundings, creating a gap between the official architectural agenda and the actual needs of the city’s inhabitants.
The article also examines the contemporary status of Soviet architectural heritage, which remains a topic of debate and criticism among researchers and residents. The issue of preserving and renovating Soviet-era buildings is still relevant, as these structures, while historically valuable, often fail to meet modern architectural and environmental standards. The author explores potential ways to integrate Soviet architectural heritage into the modern urban context, proposing approaches to reinterpret and adapt these buildings to fulfill current social and cultural needs.
Thus, the article offers a significant contribution to the study of Ivano-Frankivsk's architectural transformation under Soviet influence. It not only provides insights into how Soviet architectural policy altered the urban environment but also raises questions about the role of this legacy in contemporary Ukrainian urban planning.
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