Increase efficiency of operation boilers and energy-saving solution to problems with the fuel gas combustion is possible by mathematical modeling workflows in the furnaces of boiler units .Results of the analysis of gaseous fuel combustion processes in the furnace water tube boiler type DKVr are presented. The thermodynamic parameters of methane combustion reaction - a change of enthalpy and entropy in different conditions of cooling of the reaction products. Made exergy analysis of work processes in the furnace of the boiler. Increasing the efficiency of operation of boiler units and solving energy saving problems when burning gaseous fuels is possible by mathematical modeling of work processes in the furnaces of boiler units Computer modeling and the use of numerical methods for studying the processes of gas combustion, aerodynamic and heat exchange processes is efficient and less expensive.
With the intensification of heat transfer in the furnace of the boiler by placing a secondary cylindrical radiator due to the increase in the density of the radiative heat flux, the energy losses increase and amount to 2086 kW, but the exergy of the combustion product stream decreases to 7932 kW, so the exergy efficiency rises to 60.1%.
Keywords: combustion reaction, combustion processes, enthalpy, entropy, exergy, exergy efficiency.
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