
  • Ю. В. Ярошенко ME “Kharkivvodokanal“
  • И. В. Злыдень ME “Kharkivvodokanal“
  • Г. В. Приходько ME “Kharkivvodokanal“
  • А. В. Тимошенко ME “Kharkivvodokanal“
  • Т. А. Шевченко O. M. Beketov National University of Municipal Economy in Kharkiv


Considers issues of peculiarities of operation of hydraulic structures in the winter. Given the experience of implementation of measures for the de-icing panel-mounted paddles, the device of the lane before the gates of the dam Pecheneg KP "Kharkivvodokanal". With the aim of creating a lane by increasing the rate of flow of water in front of the slide shield Pecheneg dam on the KV "Donets" (a separate division of KP "Kharkivvodokanal") is made and established system of supply and distribution of water flow. The main element of the design serves as a subsurface pump, which is mounted on the feed pipe to a distribution system (pressure node). The discharge unit consists of the feed pipe and located at the top of the three distribution pipes, the output of which is installed on the pressure nozzle. Distribution pipes located at an angle of 450 relative to each other horizontally. This arrangement of nozzles allows to set the direction of the flow of water along the slide shield along the sealing part (the bull) and at an angle of 450 in the direction of the lane. The use of such systems for operation of hydraulic structures in winter is cost-effective and technically safe measure to ensure the reliability of the waterworks.

Keywords: hydrotechnical structures, hydrounit, shield gates, mine (polynya), pump, water distribution flow.

Author Biographies

Ю. В. Ярошенко, ME “Kharkivvodokanal“

кандидат технических наук, доцент, начальник Управления энергетической политики и энергоэффективности

И. В. Злыдень, ME “Kharkivvodokanal“

кандидат технических наук, директор Комплекса водоподготовки «Донец» 

Г. В. Приходько, ME “Kharkivvodokanal“

начальник производственно-технического отдела Комплекса водоподготовки «Донец»

А. В. Тимошенко, ME “Kharkivvodokanal“

инженер службы энергоменеджмента Управления энергетической политики и энергоэффективности

Т. А. Шевченко, O. M. Beketov National University of Municipal Economy in Kharkiv

Канд. техн. наук, доцент кафедры водоснабжения, водоотведения и очистки вод



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How to Cite

, , , , & . (2017). EXPERIENCE OF OPERATION OF HYDROTECHNICAL STRUCTURES. Municipal Economy of Cities, (135), 96–99. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5033

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