Discusses the possibility of implementing energy service contracts (ESCO) in the enterprises water-sewer economy. The definition of ESCO, the role of energy management Department in the practice of ESCO. The aim of the research was to study the world experience of the companies on the selection of events in the development of energy service contract, search companies, ESCO, implementation of the contract on implementation of energy saving measures at all stages, together with ESKO, and also of the account of calculations under the contract and economy. Energy service contract may be one of the main mechanisms for the implementation of the energy saving potential of the enterprise in the existing conditions. This contract involves the provision of services by a specialized organization (energy service company – ESCO) to conduct investment energy audit (in conjunction with the Service management of the enterprise), design, acquisition, financing, installation, commissioning of energy efficient equipment (or technologies) on one or more objects of the customer.
Keywords: energy management, energy efficiency, energy service contract (ESCO), water supply, water disposal.
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