
  • O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


The purpose of the article is to determine the stakeholders in the system of land relations of cities, taking into account the directions and features of urban development.

As a result of the research, the theoretical provisions on the definition of stakeholders are systematized.

The definition of stakeholders interacting in the system of land relations of cities to ensure urban development.

Approaches to the definition of stakeholders are defined: management, information, functional, target, approach, which takes into account the peculiarities of the relations between groups of stakeholders, combined, integrated.

The author's definition of stakeholders interacting in the system of urban land relations and providing urban development is proposed, which are characterized as groups of stakeholders that affect the functioning and management of the subjects of land relations, take into account the normative, legal, spatial, analytical, infrastructural support and features of transformations in the economic, social , Environmental spheres to achieve the objectives of urban development through the implementation of long-term Directions of land use and the potential of cities, the exchange of information flows.


Keywords: stakeholders, urban development, land relations of cities.

Author Biography

, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

здобувач кафедри земельного адміністрування та геоінформаційних систем



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How to Cite

(2017). DETERMINATION OF STEAKHOLDERS IN THE SYSTEM OF LAND RELATIONS OF CITIES. Municipal Economy of Cities, (135), 171–174. Retrieved from