The aim of the article is to develop methods and models for assessing the impact of urban factors on the use of urban land.
As a result of the study, methods and models were developed to assess the impact of urban factors on the use of urban land. It is established that the local indicators are determined using the methods of peer review, integrated urban planning and stakeholder criteria - based on the proposed models and using the hierarchy analysis method. At the same time, the reliability of the results of expert assessments is evaluated on the basis of the concordance coefficients and the c2 Pearson criteria.
Proposals integrated urban planning and stakeholder criteria to assess the impact of urban factors on the use of urban land. Cause-effect relationships between these criteria and the indicator of land use in the regions of Ukraine are established.
As a result of the research it was established that the influence of the integral urban planning criterion on the indicator of the level of land use in the regions of Ukraine is determined by the nonlinear form of communication and is displayed by the second-level polynomial.
The graph of the dependence between the indicator of land use in the regions of Ukraine and the integral stakeholder criterion is constructed, also testifies to the nonlinear form of the connection and is determined by the second-level polynomial.
The coefficients of correlation and determination are determined, which testify to the high level of influence of integrated urban planning and stakeholder criteria on the indicator of the level of land use in the regions of Ukraine. In particular, the integral town-planning criterion for 91% determines the change in the indicator of the level of land use in the regions of Ukraine, the integral stakeholder criterion - by 92%.
Keywords: мethods, models, town-planning factors, use of urban lands, integral urban planning criterion, integral stakeholder criterion.
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