
  • O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


The purpose of this paper is the development of questions of increase of efficiency of process studies of the land resources of villages through the involvement of the geodetic support in drafting land management documentation. analysis of the modern state legal, methodological and instrumental support processes research of the land Fund with the help of geodetic measurements in the field of land resources of Ukraine. Analysis and choice of approaches to the creation of geodetic approaches to solving problems in the field of land management.

The purpose of this article is the establishment of a geodesic, the security research of land resources.

To achieve this goal the following tasks:

- to analyse the legislative and normative base of use of land resources of Ukraine;

- to review recent research and publications on the study of land resources;

- to analyze the possibility of using edesignova support for research and development of land management projects in modern conditions;

- to make a choice of principles, tools and characteristics of the geodetic support;

- to collect data for the creation of a geodetic project site;

- determine the advantages and features of the survey in a given area.

So, in the article, the processes of creation of system of geodetic support of the research of land resources.

Keywords: surveying software, land management, geodetic measurement, geodetic survey, CNI tools.

Author Biography

, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

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How to Cite

(2017). GEODETIC SUPPORT OF LAND MANAGEMENT IN PREPARATION OF TECHNICAL PROJECTS. Municipal Economy of Cities, (137), 2–8. Retrieved from