The purpose of the article is to consider ways of obtaining three-dimensional information with the help of photogrammetry for solving various problems connected with high accuracy of measurements, namely in land planning, designing, construction and operation of engineering structures, in monitoring the state of architectural ensembles, restoration of architectural monuments, etc. In the framework of decision-making in the field of land-property relations, the qualitative topographic basis of the area, which is the basis and structure of projects of any complexity, is especially important. Photogrammetry dynamically develops with the development of technology and computer technology and acquires opportunities for effective solution of the main tasks, such as:
- study of geometrical properties, measurements and survey of objects of the area, which are depicted on photographic photographs;
- fixation of architectural monuments and city-planning;
- constant monitoring, regular monitoring of displacement of structures and changes in the situation on the surface of the area;
- receiving of varied operational information;
- drawing up on the basis of aerial photographs and ground-based surveys of planned and cartographic maps and terrain images, documents used as bases for urban design, topographical maps, data for geographic information systems.
The following tasks were solved in the work:
-The main objectives of application and field of photogrammetry usage are considered;
- new possibilities of digital photogrammetry are investigated;
- the modern software for automation of the process of photogrammetric data processing is considered;
- Review of digital photogrammetric systems used in Ukraine and other countries of the world.
Successful implementation of the capabilities of digital photogrammetry allows to effectively solve problems of design, reconstruction, urban planning.
Further software and instrumental development of photogrammetry creates the preconditions for changing the existing measurement methodology to monitor the state of architectural ensembles, buildings and monuments.
The main results obtained in the development of this article are to consider the application of 3d models of land-property complexes to ensure land-property relations. Thus, the purpose of the article is achieved.
Keywords: digital photogrammetry, cadastre, land management, 3D model, digital photogrammetric station, urban planning, aerial photography, unmanned aerial vehicle.
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