
  • O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


The purpose of the article is to determine the directions of modeling the influence of spatial factors on the use of land in a megacity.

As a result of the study, models have been developed that are used to model the influence of spatial factors on the use of land in a megacity, appropriate methods have been proposed, and an integral spatial criterion for the use of land has been estimated.

A model is developed for the relationship between the integrated spatial criterion for land use and the level of land valuation, which made it possible to establish a decrease in the impact of the results of the normative monetary assessment on the interaction of spatial factors in most regions of Ukraine

Deserve attention to the proposed methodological recommendations to improve the efficiency of land use megapolis.

Keywords: spatial factors, method, model, integral spatial criterion of land use, modeling, level of land evaluation.

Author Biography

, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

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How to Cite

(2017). SIMULATION OF THE INFLUENCE OF SPATIAL FACTORS ON THE USE OF THE LAND OF MEGAPOLIS. Municipal Economy of Cities, (137), 15–18. Retrieved from