In the process of road maintenance, their transport and operational qualities are deteriorating. There is a need to reconstruct the road as a whole or its individual sections. For the planning of works on the reconstruction or repair of a highway, it is carried out its technical inspection and certification. The most important is to determine the actual values of such geometric parameters of the road as the radii of curvature in the plan, longitudinal slopes, width of the roadway and others. The method of geodetic measurements in determining the geometric parameters of the curvature of the road in plan is considered in detail in the article.
A method for establishing a geometric design of a curvature is described, namely from which elements the rounding and their dimensions consist. The results of the measurements are justification for the need to reconstruct the highway.
Keywords: automobile road, passportization, reconstruction, geometric parameters of the road, geodetic changes, theodolite, measuring tape.
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