The development of automated design methods leads to the need to create digital terrain models. The method of constructing a digital model of the situation in the software complex Credo based on the results of the geometric removal of the site area by an electronic tacheometer is considered. The requirements for digital models of the situation are presented. The given initial data, which is necessary at geodetic removal of area of a territory for work in a program complex "Credo", is necessary. Partly considered the functionality of the Credo TOPOPLAN software complex. The functionality of the CREDO TOPOLAN software complex also allows you to build a digital terrain model based on a geometric survey. The order of construction of point, line and area symbols is given. An example of a constructed digital model of a situation in the program complex CREDO TOPOPLAN is given.
Keywords: digital model of situation, outline, tachymeter, plan, program complex Credo.
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