Most of the town-planning errors that are currently being committed and those that will be committed in the future are connected with the rupture of the designers' views about the city as a single dynamic system. Each change in the urban environment, caused by the need to adapt the city to changing external and internal conditions, generates a lot of conflicts between the vital interests of the elements of its system. Optimizing the processes of the city's life and finding compromises with emerging contradictions makes it possible to reduce the consequences of the crises experienced by our civilization. As a result of attempts to solve such problems, the concept of SMART City has emerged and is successfully developing. A logical development of this concept is the emergence of a new specialization, the architect of SMART spaces.
In conditions when the architecture is obliged to become environmentally positive, the lack of clear ideas about the functioning of the city as a system turns the architect's work into a set of empirical attempts to "blindly" guess the acceptable scenario of its development. The limited resources and time does not allow to accumulate experience on the basis of errors made. The very concept of "Smart City" allows us to assert that the emergence of a new specialization is not only an objective necessity, but also an economically expedient project.
The identification of a minimal condominium, in which the activities of the SMART project bureau, led by a SMART architect, are appropriate, will help determine the parameters of the new education. In the conditions of effective professional activity, the funds spent for the maintenance of such a bureau will be repeatedly cut off not only financially, but also by improving the quality of life of the city.
Keywords: SMART, economics, dynamic system, architecture
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