Qualitative source information is the first important component of a positive solution to any issue or process implementation. Not an exception and a complex multifactorial process of assessing the land-resource potential of Ukraine. So qualitative, up-to-date and reliable information is a prerequisite for establishing real and fair value of land.
In the course of the research the information base used today for carrying out work on the monetary valuation of agricultural land, the analysis of indicators of land and resource use, including the soil, potential of Ukraine and neighboring Western countries, is given, the results of the introduction of new methods and procedures of normative monetary valuation are presented. agricultural land.
This article analyzes the level of relevance of the information support work on the monetary valuation of agricultural land and the urgent need to develop a new model of information provision of monetary valuation of agricultural land, especially agricultural wetlands.
Keywords: soil, agricultural land, normative monetary evaluation, rent, agricultural wetlands.
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