Architecture as an art form is a special form of artistic thinking, requiring the ability to express creative ideas in a visual form. To solve professional problems and implement the creative intentions of the architect, it is necessary to have the knowledge and skills of both drawing and painting. Watercolor painting, due to its mobile qualities, has formed a special value in the process of architectural education.
The main goal of the visual disciplines and techniques is to comprehend the harmony of the environment and the distribution of its laws to the architectural art process, to provide fundamental, basic knowledge and practical skills of fine art, skills to freely own the means, methods and techniques of artistic skill in working with nature, from memory and imagination to solve professional problems and implement the creative intentions of the architect
It is widely known that drawing, painting, even sculpture constitute the so-called "professional creative cuisine", where the sense of proportion, harmony, color, composition, volume and space is honed. It is from the degree of mastering such "tools" that the mastery of the architect, his professionalism and the quality of the works of architecture depend.
The formation of architecture in a real environment highlights the process of cognition of the subject-spatial environment by the visual means of drawing and painting. Watercolor painting is indispensable in the educational process of architects.
Due to mobile qualities, watercolor develops the picturesque students' mastership; stimulates the professionalism of architects; reveals the possibilities of professional research of the architectural and spatial environment, develops the creative potential of the architect.
Keywords: architecture, watercolor painting, mobile technology, art, environmet
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