The article discusses the use of environmental labelling as an effective tool of environmental marketing. Its main task is to ensure the equality of interests of environmental protection and economic components of society.
The environmental label may be given in the form of a phrase, symbol or image on the packaging, in the technical documentation or advertising material in order to indicate a certain ecological characteristics of the product, component or packaging. The right to apply such label can be received only by obtaining ecological certificate which meets the requirements of international standards. In the process of certification, all stages of the life cycle of an object are considered from the stage of obtaining raw materials to its consumption and utilization, as well as its impact on human health.
Environmental certification is carried out in accordance with the principles of voluntary nature, compliance with environmental legislation, independence from commercial interests, openness, flexibility, compliance with the criterias of international standards of the series ISO 14020 and ISO 14024, etc. There are three types of environmental labelling, each of which characterizes certain product properties and has the appropriate environmental labels.
The Center for Environmental Certification and Labelling of the APO "Living Planet" operates in Ukraine. It is a part of the Global Environment Label Network (GEN). This organization carries out environmental certification and labelling of food, goods and services, guided by international standards in the field of environmental management of the ISO 14000 series. Signs of environmental label give consumers the opportunity to choose more environmentally-friendly products. This is an additional mechanism for supporting producers who produce products with minimal impact on the environment and human health.
For today in Ukraine only 60 producers of goods and services have environmental certificates that grant the right to apply environmental labels. However, based on the data presented, the promise of the introduction of environmental labelling in Ukraine is proven.
Keywords: environmental labelling, environmental certification, ecological safety of goods and services.
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