


people with disabilities, people with limited mobility, social welfare


 An analysis of the laws and regulations on the social protection of people with disabilities in different countries of the world was carried out, which shows that their main provisions and norms are almost the same. The sizes and conditions of disability payments per person per month in the most developed countries of the world are given.

It is noted that social payments and benefits in the EU average 25.2% of gross domestic product (GDP) per year. Most of all payments are directed to old-age and death benefits of a family member - 46.2% of all social benefits and payments, or 11.7% of GDP, as well as on the occasion of illness and the need for treatment - 29.1% of the total social benefits and benefits in the EU, or 7.4% of GDP. On all payments in other areas of social protection spend an average of 6.1% of GDP per year.

The best practices of social security for people with disabilities in Germany, Japan and China were considered, where all conditions were created for them to make these citizens feel that they are full members of society. They are provided with education, they are employed, and in their free time they can easily visit a museum or a cinema.

The problems of social protection of limited mobility groups in Russia and Ukraine were identified. Despite the fact that in Ukraine and Russia there are many laws and regulations protecting the rights of people with disabilities, they remain declarative, not provided with material resources and management implementation mechanisms. People with disabilities are the most vulnerable category of the population. They are not financially secure. Residential premises are not equipped with special tools and fixtures. Such people have problems with obtaining a full-fledged education due to the lack of barrier-free entrances to educational institutions, free access to the upper floors, access to public transport. There is a problem of employment of people with disabilities. Despite the fact that in Ukraine and Russia quotas have been introduced for the allocation of jobs for disabled workers, potential employers lack financial and other resources with the help of which it is possible to create comfortable working conditions for their disabled employees.

Having analyzed the experience of various countries of the world in relation to people with disabilities, we can conclude that Ukraine is only at the initial stage of solving this problem. There are not enough measures to ensure a full life for this category of citizens. However, the internal policy of the state is improving every year, creating more and more opportunities for the comfortable existence of people with disabilities in society. Thus, people with disabilities should be given a chance to recover in ordinary life. They must be equal members of society.

Author Biographies

I. Lynnyk, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department

A. Bocharov, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



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How to Cite

Lynnyk, I., & Bocharov, A. (2019). PROGRAMS OF SOCIAL SECURITY FOR PEOPLE WITH RESTRICTED OPPORTUNITIES IN THE WORLD: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 1(147), 248–253. Retrieved from