energy saving, energy resources, external lighting, light sources, start-up equipment, control systems.Abstract
According to the 2012/27EU directive, Ukraine needs to reduce CO2 emissions by 20%, which is only possible with reduced consumption and combustion of coal, petroleum products and natural gas, as well as through the implementation of energy-efficient technologies.
According to the Energy Strategy of Ukraine, by 2035, the country plans a gradual reduction of the use of solid fuel and gas, while more attention will be paid to alternative energy.
Despite the chosen way of energy saving, the analysis of the energy sector in the country indicates the opposite. Electricity consumption in Ukraine in 2018, taking into account technological losses in the networks, increased by 2.3% compared to 2017.
Extraction of electric energy on thermal power plants is caused by harmful influence on the environment.
In world practice, about 19% of the electricity generated is spent on lighting.
According to the data of the Communal Services of the external lighting system of "Miksvitlo", the total length of the electric lighting system in the city of Kharkov is 2,498 km, including cable networks 1279,47 km, and the airline 1219,53 km.
The total number of working light-emitting diodes of external illumination is 79,994 thousand units. There is a gradual shift from energy-consuming light sources to more energy-efficient ones. The use of CFL decreased by 0.405 thousand units, mercury by 0.77 thousand units, sodium by 347,128 thousand units, and the use of metal halide increased by 18 thousand units. and an LED light source of 20.81 thousand units.
In order to illuminate the city, light sources are used with the following outputs: 20, 35 W, DNT-70 – 250 W, LED – 18 - 180 W, such as Schreder, Philips, Osram, General electric, Ledlife, SU- 24 and others.
There is an increase in the number of automated remote control systems for outdoor lighting. The total number of electrical energy meters has decreased, but the devices for differential accounting of electric energy have begun to be used more widely. The amount of electricity consumed also increased by 586.2 thousand kWh.
The current state of outdoor lighting needs more attention. The low efficiency of old light sources that do not meet the new standards leads to the fact that the consumption of electric energy is 1,7 times higher than in other countries of the world.
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