energy need, comfort conditions, radiation temperature, intermittent heating.Abstract
Taking into account that in the total energy balance of the country about 40% of energy consumption is spent on the functioning of buildings, the lion's share of which is the cost of heat energy. The article considers buildings of mass development of the 80's and buildings that meet modern requirements. For a detailed analysis of buildings energy characteristics a dynamic hourly simulation of representative premises is sufficient. The authors created mathematical models of representative premises of different orientation and thermophysical properties, thermal protection. The energy demand and thermal comfort indicators are analyzed for representative premises with different thermal protection, orientation and subject to the use of energy-saving heating regimes.
It is established that the implementation of intermittent heating regimes leads to a decrease in the consumption of heat up to 13% for the entire heating period. For the winter period of the year, the economy is (8 ... 10)%, for the period of the off-season - up to 25%. The presented percentage of thermal energy savings is determined by observing the normative temperature of air in the hours of people presence in the room.
It should be noted that the index of thermal comfort takes into account not only the internal temperature of the wind, but also the radiation temperature. The relationship between the change in the index of thermal comfort and environmental parameters is presented. The introduction of the intermittent heating mode not only reduces the consumption of heat, but also reduces the negative PMV by an average of 20%, but without departing from the permissible range of comfortable conditions (-0.5 ... 0.5). For southern orientation in the off-season, an additional reduction in the level of heating may occur, with the preservation of PMV in the comfort range.
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