energy efficiency of buildings, bearing and fencing combined structures, rooms, geographical information systems.Abstract
The project of the integrated system of geospatial data of objects of real estate and elements of the internal structure of buildings, which is the starting point for determining the level of energy efficiency of buildings, is proposed.
Buildings and their elements of the internal structure of buildings – premises, fencing structures (floors, ceilings, walls, windows, doors), are considered as geospatial objects. On the basis of this, geoinformation models of the building and their elements of the internal structure are created; they represent a formal means of digital representation of geospatial objects, a mathematical construction for representing geospatial objects by data. For each floor of each building, integrated GIS stores information about a plurality of structural elements in the form of sets of floor thematic layers of the two classes: room layers (floors, ceilings) and walls (walls, windows, doors). Layers combined based on geographic location. The project contains a system of layers of two classes for 10 buildings of the campus and for 5 buildings of the hostels and more than 1 million values of the attributes, received in-kind procedures for collecting and pre-processing information on the actual condition of fencing structures and engineering systems.
The project of integrated GIS provides that the system of data cadastre real estate is built by spatial data of detailed accounting of buildings and their structural elements. Instead of two data systems, one integrated data system is created. Using GIS allows simultaneously to solve the problems of storage and systematization of data.
Integration of the real estate cadastre and energy efficiency of buildings creates a unified informational GIS environment for managing real estate and assessing the level of energy efficiency of buildings. The integrated geospatial data system is proposed to be used as the base geoinformation platform for further processes of calculation and analysis of derivative data in the order and method established by the legislative and normative base of Ukraine in the field of energy efficiency of buildings. Integration of data creates benefits for the University: increasing operational efficiency optimization of further processes of calculation and analysis of derivative data for assessing the energy efficiency of buildings
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