construction enterprises, brand, evaluation, methods, models, integral criterion.Abstract
The construction industry is one of the priority sectors of the national economy, as it serves as a locomotive for the development of more than 30 other sectors of the economy, contributing to its development and ensuring the economy's recovery from the crisis. The construction itself creates the conditions for expansion of production, implementation of innovative projects, attraction of investments. In this case, one can observe the low investment attractiveness of the construction complex, the lack of a high level of intellectual support for the activity of construction enterprises, and a considerable staff turnover due to rapid labor migration. A number of these and problems have a significant effect on the negative tendencies of development of construction enterprises. The way out of the situation may be to increase the efficiency of the construction industry due to a more rational management system for construction, which will increase the competitiveness and efficiency of both the industry as a whole and its individual enterprises. In such circumstances, it is necessary to rethink approaches to building development through the use of modern tools based on brand assessment and use.
The article builds a multilevel system of indicators, which are used to evaluate the formation and use of the brand of construction enterprises by defining hierarchical levels, which are characterized by the relevant criteria.
The research has developed a methodological approach to the assessment of the formation and use of the brand of construction enterprises, based on the methods of expert evaluation, econometric modeling, analysis of hierarchies, detection of anomalous points and implemented on the basis of interrelated stages, which allowed to define an integral criterion and create information. effectiveness of managerial decision-making.
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