

  • М. Kosmii King Danylo University


intangible factors, spatial structure, transformation potential, settlements, Carpathian region


The article identifies the main intangible factors that are inherent in the process of transformation of the spatial structure of settlements. On the example of selected objects of the Carpathian region, the basic approaches to the transformation of existing spatial systems, their potential and prospects are demonstrated and defined. Intangible factors are defined as a set of norms, principles and rules of organization of space, which were formed historically in accordance with the needs of man, society, and focus on meeting intangible needs. Their influence on the spatial structure is realized in the form of legislative and regulatory requirements, political-administrative relations and property relations, as well as mental-ethical, historical-cultural, religious-spiritual and aesthetic factors. In this case, if the material is studied both at the theoretical and practical level, the impact of the intangible requires increased attention from theorists and practitioners of architectural and urban planning. Instead, transformation is a process of qualitative change in the space of the city, which is the result of a combination of tangible and intangible factors, and if there is a clear model of development, it can be directed towards achieving harmony.

A detailed study of the impact of intangibles on the spatial organization of architectural and urban planning objects was carried out on the example of rural areas of the region, where there are spiritual and pilgrimage centers and historical and cultural centers. To substantiate the presented conclusions, an architectural and urban inventory of objects was carried out; structural surveys were conducted to identify the analyzed interactions; surveys of residents and visitors; project materials, etc. were found.

It is substantiated that in some settlements (villages), in the presence of a high intangible component, there is a higher potential for development of the territory and, accordingly, opportunities for the transformation of their architectural space. Proximity to cities is a determining element in determining the level of readiness of selected objects for the transformation of their spatial structures. The key intangible factors of their development are aesthetic and religious-spiritual factors, which in turn contribute to the development of the material and are system-forming in determining the prospects for the development of spatial structures.

The only obstacles that exist in the process of transformation of the spatial structure of these objects are political-administrative, legislative and regulatory factors and the lack of proper infrastructure. The lack of clear legal norms and political will makes it impossible to develop these territories, transfers them to the periphery of tourist routes.

It is established that the intangible is a determining factor in the organization of a comfortable space for a person. Intangible components, such as spiritual centers (symbols, chapels) can be an element of landscape design and harmoniously complement aesthetic conditions. In rural areas, since the establishment of OTG, objective conditions have been created for the renovation of existing spatial zones and the formation of open public, cultural or educational space, which will be not only an element of branding, but also a source of investment.

Author Biography

М. Kosmii, King Danylo University

Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Construction and Design


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How to Cite

Kosmii М. (2020). METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INFLUENCE OF INTANGIBLE FACTORS ON THE SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF THE CITY: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 4(157), 38–43. Retrieved from