

  • D. Chubarova O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


parking, housing, modern city, humanization


 The article is devoted to revealing the problems of parking formation in the conditions of intensive housing construction. The article outlines the problems of formation, substantiates the need to review existing approaches to the architectural and spatial organization of parking lots in residential buildings. In the process of urbanization, the problem of efficient use of space for intensive housing and the formation of parking lots in its conditions becomes more relevant than ever.

In the period of post-industrial development of the urban environment in the middle of the twentieth century. in connection with total motorization there is a need to create modern, environmentally friendly parking lots, which currently our cities are practically not equipped. Particularly acute is the issue of parking space in residential areas where there is a problem of chaotic parking due to improper organization of parking areas, which leads to a narrowing of the width of the carriageway; reducing the capacity of the road network; complicating the passage of special equipment (garbage trucks, fire trucks, ambulances, etc.).

Construction of new housing in larger cities is mainly high-rise intensive construction, as the most profitable option for developers, who in turn pay little attention to the organization of parking lots. At present, cars are stored in the most inappropriate places: on sidewalks, lawns and even on playgrounds. Spontaneous parking in residential areas of cities leads to a sharp decrease in sanitary and hygienic indicators of the urban environment and to a negative impact on the health of citizens. The emergence of a large number of unorganized parking lots in residential areas leads to the degradation and destruction of landscape components of the urban environment, the territory of which is "captured" by car storage spaces.

Given that despite the annual increase in the number of cars, our country still lags far behind more developed countries in this regard, the existing level of motorization turns urban housing into unorganized parking lots, which indicates the unresolved issue, as in theoretical , and in practical terms.

The formation of comfortable and safe living conditions in the living environment is one of the priorities of urban planning, so the architects faced the task of solving the problem of forming parking lots in the existing intensive housing and developing new architectural and planning solutions for residential complexes with parking lots to build residential buildings. cramped areas with sufficient parking spaces.

Author Biography

D. Chubarova, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Chubarova, D. (2020). PROBLEMS OF PARKING FORMATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF INTENSIVE HOUSING: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 6(159), 108–112. Retrieved from