

  • О. Stepanov Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
  • А. Venger Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University


intelligent transport systems, international project, concept, traffic organization, road safety, information environment.


The article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of "Intelligent transportation system" – ITS in modern society. The main world concepts of ITS development, which are aimed at the organization of road traffic in order to comply with road safety, are analyzed. The authors concluded that ITS is the most effective way to qualitatively solve road safety problems.

Author Biographies

О. Stepanov, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor of the Department

А. Venger, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Stepanov О., & Venger А. (2021). INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS IN THE TRANSPORT PROCESS: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 1(161), 212–217. Retrieved from