concept, information model, construction industry, life cycle.Abstract
The analysis of the main provisions of two concepts: "The concept of application of construction information modeling in the management of the life cycle cost of public facilities" (Project) was developed at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (NASU) by a group of experts led by Professor V.S. Kuybida and “Concept of Implementation of BIM - Construction Information Modeling in Ukraine” (Project) of the EU International Technical Assistance “Assistance to the Organization of the Government of Ukraine in Improving the Management of the Infrastructure Project Cycle”.
The developers of the first Concept identified the principles, but the implementation of these principles in Ukraine requires the improvement of the current system of relations in the investment-construction-operational process, changes the traditional mechanisms of the industry and construction management through innovation.
The second Concept presents the results of a comprehensive study in general of the problems of implementation of information technology, without a deep study of the state of the construction industry of Ukraine.
The analysis of the main provisions of the two concepts allowed to identify the principles that should be the basis for combining three life cycle models: design, construction, operation - from the first stage of design to the reconstruction or liquidation of the object, in order to use them to innovate and improve competitiveness of objects at all stages of a life cycle and influence on work of the construction enterprises in market conditions.
The educational component of the Concept as a whole does not cause objections, but requires specification of a number of decisions at the level of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, universities, specialties and departments. In general, the combination of the two concepts provides a lot of historical and methodological material for the educational process and can be the basis for the educational process of information technology. Simultaneously, the analysis of the two concepts requires attention to differences, conclusions and generalizations that contradict the real situation in the industry and require a single system of terms.
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