concept, information model, construction industry, life cycle.Abstract
The educational component of the Concept of Construction Information Modeling in Ukraine (European Union International Technical Assistance Project) does not raise any objections, but requires specification of a number of decisions at the level of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, universities, specialties and departments. It is propose at the state level to solve the problem of need and development in the labor market of competencies of specialists for the construction industry in terms of technological and managerial innovations. To implement fragments of information modeling in the educational process in modern conditions, in particular in the diploma design of masters of construction, it is propose to solve a number of methodological problems in market conditions during the life cycle of the project.
First, a number of software products operating in Ukraine remain detached from the 3D design model. This applies to the organization and management of construction (4D); estimated and contractual pricing (5D); a number of new programs on environmental protection, energy efficiency (6D), maintenance and operation of buildings (7D) and especially the lack of software to determine the economic option of the building for the life cycle (8D). In these conditions, even when preparing applicants for the use of a software product at the 3D level, there are many problems in preparing and defending a thesis project.
It is necessary to eliminate various approaches to determining the effectiveness of innovative solutions in methodological developments. The evaluation of innovative solutions should base on variant design - from several technically feasible competing variants of organizational and technical solution should choose the best option, the most economically feasible in these specific conditions for the project life cycle: design, construction and operation of the building. Promising for solving problems in these areas is a scenario approach - the development of a number of indicators for the life cycle of the project, taking into account all factors influencing the project goal, as well as options for measures required to achieve this goal by criteria: volume - quality - deadlines - cost - risks - efficiency.
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