geodesy, instruments, total station, GNSS receiver, Leica Nova MS60, Leica GS18 I.Abstract
In modern conditions, geodetic equipment is moving to a new level of development. Previously, the devices developed in the direction of developing accuracy. Now geodetic instruments provide sufficient accuracy to perform work in the field of geodesy.
In this regard, there is a need to optimize the workflow: increase the efficiency of information collection, the amount of information collected per unit time, increase the efficiency of standard tasks in geodesy. This need characterizes a new stage in the development of geodetic instruments.
The study uses methods: observation - to get acquainted with modern geodetic equipment, abstraction – to determine the conceptual technical features of modern electronic geodetic instruments (used specific examples), analysis – to identify trends in modern electronic surveying instruments, sampling – to select instruments to be characterize their categories.
The analysis of the capabilities of modern electronic devices on the example of the total station Leica Nova MS60 and GNSS receiver Leica GS18 I was carried out.
It was found that at the moment characteristic of the development of modern geodetic equipment is the optimization of the workflow using these devices through the development of hardware and software for these devices. For example, in total stations it is an expansion of opportunities, automation of processes of geodetic works. In GNSS receivers – this is an increase in the amount of information collected, reducing the impact of the shortcomings of the satellite signal. Much of this technical development has been provided by modern software, such as Captivate at Leica.
Trends in the development of other and similar modern geodetic equipment are also going in this direction. This statement is characterized by the limits of development of the technical part of the geodetic equipment and significant opportunities for development in the software part.
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