budget decentralization, budget decentralization index, macrofinancial policy, fiscal and monetary expansion, public-private partnership.Abstract
The article considers the relationship between modern processes of budget decentralization and macro-financial policy of Ukraine. The focus on deepening decentralization processes in Ukraine remains unchanged. This emphasizes the use of the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021-2027. The theoretical foundations of budget decentralization were introduced in the works of C. Tibet, W. Oates, E. Bracco, W. Tanzi, A. Aristovnik and other Western researchers. C. Oates defined the decentralization of fiscal powers as a benefit that could lead to a reduction in the size of the central government. This means reducing the tax burden by increasing competition from tax jurisdictions.
For quantification at the level of an individual economy, it is possible to use the index of fiscal decentralization. This index consists of two sub-indices: the self-sufficiency index and the index of importance of subnational budgets. The OECD Fiscal Decentralization Database can be used as a source of information on fiscal decentralization. A retrospective analysis of economists has shown an increase in the index of fiscal decentralization and an improvement in the state of subnational entities in a favorable macroeconomic situation. On the contrary, the crisis worsens the conditions of subnational entities and is accompanied by a decrease in this index.
With the beginning of the pandemic, there was a crisis situation regarding the macroeconomic support of further decentralization processes. Long-term social problems are deepening: demographic negatives, increasing external outflow of labor resources, shrinking the country's economy, progressive deindustrialization, high resource intensity of production, in particular, low energy efficiency, growing debt burden. The most destabilizing role is played by military events in the east of the country. High regional disproportion logically leads to a violation of the single economic space of Ukraine. The size of the budget deficit and public debt is increasing.
The crisis has a significant impact on all macroeconomic processes, in particular, on the macro-financial stimulation of budget decentralization processes. The urgent task is to establish effective coordination of fiscal and monetary policy, as well as increase the capacity to attract loan financing. Extreme conditions force us to temporarily give up strategic intentions as such, which are not urgent.
Public-private partnership can get another chance to become an effective mechanism of social interaction. Increasing competition between budgetary institutions and private institutions in these areas has the potential to increase the quantity and quality of public services.
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