Operation is devoted to a research and development of control box of the accumulator rectifier of the supercapacitor battery in case of a recuperation of stochastic level of energy of braking of the tractive engine of city electrical transport. Application of physical simulation of components on the original bench of the experimental allowed to receive the positive results of a charge of an ionistor from a source of low power. Algorithms of switching of elements and sections of ionistors for achievement of a total charge of the supercapacitor battery are developed and realized. The provided data of experiments and researches of the accumulator rectifier with the AVR microcontroller, illustrate efficiency of a charge the supercapacitor battery in case of stochastic energy recuperation of braking of the electric drive.Keywords: transport, electric transport, electric vehicle, electric power, tractive electromotor, ionistor, supercondenser, rechargeable battery, accumulator rectifier, management system, microcontroller.
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