phenolic water-circulation systems, coke plants, water management, water balanceAbstract
In this paper questions and conditions of water management in the water-circulation systems taking into account water losses on the example of the coke-chemical plant are considered. The water balance of the primary gas refrigerators cycle at the Kharkiv coke plant has been calculated and compiled, taking into account the proposed technological solutions. As a result of the operation of the water-circulation systems, it was found that the water loss for evaporation at the Kharkiv Coke Plant is on average 2% in winter and 3% in summer. Water losses in the system are replenished with fresh technical water and purified phenolic wastewater. Technical appraisal of the work of heat-exchange equipment at coke plants is carried out consists of replacing part of fresh technical water with phenolic wastewater and minimizing wastewater discharges. The purpose of the project is to create conditions for the water re-use by coke-chemical plants and to predict its water balance depending on the technological decisions made. Thus, the purge of the system is 5.6 m3/hour, while the total irreparable water loss in the system is 9.4 m3/hour. In the article it is established that the application of the proposed technical solutions allows to reduce the amount of discharge of sewage into urban sewer network at 36 000 m3/year and consumption of fresh industrial water to 52 000 m3/year, and increase the service life of equipment from 6.5 to 8 years. These measures help to improve water and environmental situation, effective water management of the coke-plant, that is, to decrease the payment made for consumption of water resources and sewage plant. The presented water balance and calculations of losses of water in the reverse water supply system of the enterprise are executed prove positive effect from the proposed technology solutions.
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