land protection, educational system, development, state, prospects of development, educational institutions.Abstract
It is proved that the development of the state depends on the effective functioning of the educational system, which provides training of highly qualified personnel, forms human capital, ensures the development of scientific activity. Along with this, the domestic educational system is characterized by transitional features, where the principles and approaches of the European educational system are implemented and the rudiments of the Soviet system remain. The relevance and necessity of the study are determined. The purpose of the study is to determine the prospects for the development of the educational system of Ukraine by forming and implementing an educational program for land protection. Achieving this goal lies in solving the following tasks: analysis of the state of functioning of the educational system of Ukraine; determination of directions and tendencies of development of the educational system of Ukraine; development of proposals to increase the efficiency of the educational system of Ukraine; determine the directions and peculiarities of the formation and implementation of the educational program for the protection of land.
Characterizing the state and trends in the educational system of Ukraine, a decrease in the number of preschool education institutions in 2019 compared to 1990 by 40%, the number of places in preschool education institutions - 49%, the number of people in preschool education institutions - 49%, along with growth the level of coverage of children by preschool institutions.
The study found a decrease in the number of colleges, technical schools, colleges by 54% and the number of students in these institutions by 77%. Along with this, there is an increase in the number of universities, academies, institutes by almost 1.9 times and the number of people - more than 1.4 times.
The problematic aspects observed in the educational system of Ukraine are determined, the directions and prospects of its development are offered. The directions and peculiarities of the formation and implementation of the educational program of land protection, taking into account the modern directions of land use transformations are determined.
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