historical environment, historical area, protection, monument, architectural and urban heritage.Abstract
The article proposes the structuring of a set of measures aimed at protecting both individual monuments and objects, and the historical environment as a whole. The peculiarity of the monument protection approach to the historical area is the self-organization of the settlement, the environment is organized according to the level of elements - from individual objects to complexes and considers the historical area as an element of a more global urban environment. Once formed in the past, the structure of the historic city, is increasingly interfering, so the city loses its integrity. The city must fully comply with the new functions, so the processes of reconstruction taking place in it, changes in urban planning structure and the introduction of new elements are an integral part of development.
Modern understanding of the monument essence dictates the need in preservation of its individual setting or in other words - the historical environment. The historical area is an instrument of historical environment’s urban protection, which provides: historic environment functions restoration; preservation of the historic environment functions; development of the historic environment functions. Within the historical areas, monument protection measures are reflected starting from the inventory of the monument resource, its further research, accounting, categorization and undoubtedly become the basis for determining the zoning of the area. The article describes the relationship between monument protection measures for the protection of the historical environment of habitats, as well as their division by the method of impact and the order of implementation. Thus, the first group includes basic practical measures - research, inventory, accounting, scientific study. The second group includes measures to ensure the systematization of objects - monitoring, integration, adaptation of monuments to modern life of the city, restoration and engineering protection of monuments. The third group includes mostly measures aimed at socialization, use and development of the historical environment - popularization, creation and formalization of protected areas. Groups of cultural heritage sites appear separately, for which monument protection concepts and legislation are poorly developed. The selected groups are clearly shown in the practical work on the creation of historical and architectural reference plans.
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