construction enterprises, stakeholders, development, conceptual provisionsAbstract
It has been determined that the development of construction enterprises is influenced by a combination of internal and external factors that form negative trends in their functioning. In particular, a decrease in the volume of production and sale of construction products, a reduction in the level of their investment attractiveness, and a slowdown in the growth of production and economic potential have been identified. At the same time, it has been proven that construction enterprises act as an indicator of the development of a state’s economy and characterise the directions and features of its functioning. Thus, the research topic is relevant, and its development is timely.
The purpose of the study is to define the development of construction enterprises. To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks: to identify the directions of the development of enterprises, to systematise theoretical provisions regarding the definition of the development of enterprises, and to single out the specific features of the development of construction enterprises.
As a result of the study, theoretical provisions regarding the definition of the development of construction enterprises were systematised, and the author’s approach to its characterisation was proposed. The conceptual apparatus of economic science has been improved; in particular, the concept of the “development of construction enterprises” has been introduced into the functional field of effective management of enterprises. Unlike the existing ones, it is determined by constant changes in the system of forming strategic and operational directions for the creation and use of all types of resources, organisational structure, and production and economic potential of construction enterprises, which allows ensuring the effectiveness of stakeholder interaction, marketing activities, growth of financial, economic, investment, innovation, and strategic factors.
The study has revealed the specific features of the functioning of construction enterprises in extraordinary economic conditions of the influence of internal and external factors and the consequences of the aggression of the Russian Federation.
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