The purpose of the article is to determine the specifics of the implementation of geoecological monitoring of urban land use.
As a result of the study, the geoecological monitoring of the use of urban lands was characterized, the specifics of the implementation of geoecological monitoring of land use were identified, taking into account the development trends of the urban environment.
In order to ensure environmental safety, a state system of environmental monitoring has been developed that is characterized as a system for monitoring, collecting, processing, transmitting, storing and analyzing information on the state of the environment, forecasting its changes, and developing scientifically substantiated recommendations for making decisions on preventing negative environmental changes and compliance environmental safety requirements.
Land monitoring is defined as a system for monitoring and monitoring the condition and use of land, identifying changes to develop grounded land use decisions
The peculiarities of the implementation of geoecological monitoring of the use of urban lands are identified, which consist in the absence of a unified approach to its definition, which focuses on the ecological aspects of land formation and use.
Keywords: ecological monitoring, use of urban lands, ecological monitoring, land monitoring.References
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