Today, compressor stations (CS) play a special role in solving gas supply problems in the country, which are installed on the main gas pipelines and in the fields of gas or gas condensate fields. The main task of the COP is to ensure the design capacity and maximum pressure along the entire length and at the entrance to the main gas pipelines at a constant level, while the reservoir pressure in the field is continuously reduced during the extraction of natural gas. The paper identifies the energetically optimal modes of operation of reciprocating gas pumping units at compressor stations.
Staging problems In the process of operation, with planned and forecasted robotics of generic and magistral gas pipelines, it is necessary to carry out loud explosions in accordance with the identification of the robots of piston compressor stations. For operative virishennya zavdan viznachennya optimal regimes in the roboty gazoperekachuvalnyh aggregates (GPA) and in the whole piston compressor station buny rozrobeni algorithms rishennya i komp'yuterni progami
Keywords: gas service, compressor stations, gas condensate genera, piston gas compressor units
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