The problems of security of gas supply and the state of gas distribution points are considered, which is characterized by the moral and physical depreciation of technological equipment. Failure analysis and simulation of accidents related to uncontrolled pressure increase with the use of low-quality gas.
The analysis and mathematical forecast of gas leaks and equipment failures at gas distribution points (GDP) by 2020 show that the rapid increase in gas leaks and equipment failures (1,320 units) is due to the fact that one third of the equipment for fracturing is exploited for more than 25 years. Therefore, the gas regulating and shut-off equipment of the fracturing unit is morally and physically obsolete, and building structures and shut-off valves require major repairs and replacement of equipment. In analyzing the causes of explosions and accidents when using gas in the home, infrastructure and technical issues of operation of gas distribution systems were identified.
These issues allow us to develop urgent measures for the security of gas supply. which can lead to accidents and indicate the paths. The poor quality of repair and adjustment works due to the low qualification of regional gas companies (RGCs) and the lack of knowledge of modern technologies and the bases of equipment equipment in accordance with EU norms plays an important role in the security of gas supply.
The technological and assembly diagrams of the model model of the equipment of the gas supply system of settlements - "ULK-400 GSN" with the component part of the GRU layout with combined regulators RТNK-400M and RTG-50 for studying students and workers of RGK of modern technological schemes of GRU and requirements to them , the constructive arrangement and the principle of the operation of the technological equipment of the combined gas pressure regulators. Also introduced is a device for changing the throughput of the feedback throttle of the gas pressure regulator RTSK-400M for educational and research work, as well as studying the state of transients in combined regulators to increase the safety of the gas network.
Keywords: gas supply, accident, regulator, pressure, filter, throttle, circuit, layout, dynamics.
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