sustainable development, method for choosing environmentally sound wastewater technologies, environmental safetyAbstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of the conditions of functioning of four existing methods of sewage drainage and the main provisions of the concept of sustainable development. The methodological approach to the selection of a technological measure of environmentally safe water drainage in populated area located on the eutrophied water sites was developed. The use of this approach makes it possible to involve professionals of various fields from local authorities in the management of ecological safety of populated areas from the positions of their sustainable development. The essence of the methodological approach implies using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The criteria stated as constituents of sustainable development – environmental, social, and economic-technological – were proposed and used for it. Appropriate specialists as experts relied on the information of various types (statistics, prediction, and direct measurement data) on a particular populated area, give their own judgments regarding priority advantages of criterial features. The results of processing the judgment of experts in accordance with a formal AHP procedure form the basis for decision making when selecting technological measures of environmentally safe water drainage in a particular populated area.
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