


multipurpose cadastre, 3D cadastre, real estate cadastre, 3D modeling, geospatial system, geospatialinformation


The inventory serves as a trigger for the development and growth of most countries, as it includes the land-use issue. It is known to be the basis for most development issues and an indicator for creating beautification. Some countries have already established a multi-purpose inventory for different jurisdictions. Less than 50 countries of the world do not have a full-fledged land information system, nor does the region have a full three-dimensional cadastral information system, which includes all aspects (3D-legislation, 3D-geodetic methods, registration of 3D-rights, restrictions and responsibilities, management, etc.)

Due to the fact that 2D and 2.5 D objects are stored and structured separately in databases, so this situation creates certain drawbacks. Therefore, there is a question of choosing a single space for working with 3D objects. Consider the international standard CityGML. Large other standards focus on accuracy or elements of geometry, attributes, and some semantic information, but less focus on topology.

The construction of a multi-purpose cadastre system should provide the following basic functions: fiscal, legal, accounting and master.

The purpose of the article is to review existing standards and methods of constructing three-dimensional models of real estate objects in the aspect of a multi-purpose cadastre. The role of international standards in the legal framework of Ukraine has been identified. The features of introduction of three-dimensional simulation of objects of immovable property for various cases are determined.

Solving the problem of building a multi-purpose cadastre lies in three interrelated and inter-dependent aspects: legal, cadastral and technical. All of the above examples of the application of different types of systems for multi-purpose cadastre are also relevant for implementation in Ukraine, taking into account the existing land-legal system and the strategic course of the state to acquire Ukraine's full membership in the European Union.

Author Biographies

S. Nesterenko, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Ph.D., Head of Departament

V. Holovachov, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

graduate student of Department

Y. Radzinska, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Associate Professor of Department

V. Frolov, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv



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How to Cite

Nesterenko, S., Holovachov, V., Radzinska, Y., & Frolov, V. (2019). REAL ESTATE AS A THREE-DIMENSIONAL COMPONENT OF THE: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 3(149), 119–125. Retrieved from

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