market, social economy, social orientation, potential, regulation, factors, competitiveness, policy.Abstract
The article shows that the effectiveness of the system depends on the effective interaction of social and economic components of development, and in the conditions of consolidated interaction of social and economic factors, the development process acquires long-term stability and dynamism.
It is proved that ensuring a commensurate complementarity of the social and economic components of national development as an important mechanism for improving the competitiveness of the country should become the target of the state development strategy, and the need for the formation of a socially-oriented market economy in Ukraine for the implementation of the planned goals is revealed. The development of a socially oriented market economy in Ukraine will build the necessary system of values, improve the culture of doing business, social and economic efficiency, create a strong system of social protection of the population, form the optimal directions of sustainable development of the country. Achieving the set parameters requires harmonization, ensuring the complementary unity of the social and economic components of the national policy, which implies the formation of additional transmission channels of close interaction between the social and economic subsystems of society, aimed at the overall results of improving the national competitiveness of the country.
In a socially-oriented economy, in addition to achieving macroeconomic goals, the state also has social goals, and its economic activity is aimed at eliminating the imperfection of the market, giving it a social orientation.
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