

  • O. Berveno О.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • A. Moskvina О.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


quality of life, public administration, social policy, economic policy, modernization, human potential, national economic development.


Today, the attention of economic science should be focused on the search for real factors and mechanisms to promote such a development of the national economy, which corresponds to the scenario of the growth of the main components of the quality of life of the population. The leading subject of life quality management in modern conditions is the state, as an institution entrusted with the task of ensuring the macroeconomic conditions for the existence of the population and ensuring the social orientation of national development. Representatives of many sciences have been fruitfully researching the quality of life for a long time. Despite a significant amount of research on this issue, the problems of effective management of the processes of ensuring the quality of life at the national level remain insufficiently studied. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of state regulation of the quality of life of the population as the main goal of modern socio-economic development. The concept of quality of life can play a key role in modeling contemporary national economic development. The solution to the quality of life problem is associated with the modernization of the education sector, improving the quality of medical services, developing health care, improving environmental safety, minimizing the negative impact of the environment, ensuring a sufficient level of material well-being for all citizens of the country, which can be realized only in conditions of effective functioning of the economy. The state becomes the main subject of the corresponding deep transformations. Among the most important obligations of the state are social obligations in relation to the working-age population, improvement of general conditions of employment and restoration of the reproduction function of remuneration, development of an intangible investment complex and social infrastructure. The management of the processes of modernization of the national economy in the context of ensuring the quality of life of the population of Ukraine should be determined by two pressing needs: ensuring an effective and fair system for the distribution of social results and growth of national productivity as the basis for sustainable economic development and increasing national competitiveness.

Author Biographies

O. Berveno, О.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department

A. Moskvina, О.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department


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How to Cite

Berveno, O., & Moskvina, A. (2021). STATE POLICY OF REGULATION OF QUALITY OF LIFE OF THE POPULATION: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 2(162), 12–20. Retrieved from