emergency, prevention, pollutant, electrical conductivity, coefficient of identification, soil, aqueous extract.Abstract
The state-of-the-art world is characterized by an increase in the needs and population and, consequently, an increase in the number and capacity of man-made facilities, including potentially dangerous ones. The effects of natural phenomena, human factors, outdated and worn-out equipment, impaired or imperfect technological processes, other factors can cause accidents at these sites and cause emergencies. An important prevention of man-made hazards is early warning of them.
The ingress of chemical contaminants into the environment due to such emergencies can increase the magnitude of its consequences. Knowledge about their features behavior in emergency situations is an important element in preventing emergencies. The above clearly indicates the need for effective engineering and technical methods of emergencies prevention, caused by accidents at the technological equipment of potentially dangerous objects and worsen the living conditions of the people and environment pollution.
Most nowaday states and international organizations today point out the need to prevent emergencies of man-made origin. The programs developed also include the use of certain methods of environmental studies as part of the prevention of emergencies. Worldwide use various mathematical, physico-chemical, chemometric approaches, contact and distance methods to evaluate the state of water bodies and soils.
For the most part, they are high-cost, insufficiently informative, lasting in implementation. There is a need for inexpensive, express and informative methods of preventing emergencies related to accidents at man-made facilities, including potentially dangerous ones.
The paper proposes the solution of separate tasks of the engineering and technical method of emergency prevention in consequence of accidents at the technological equipment of potentially dangerous objects, with use of electrical conductivity and coefficient of identification, approaches which are tested on the example of one of man-made objects.
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