fiberglass, residual strength, fire aftereffect, dynamic mechanical tests, epoxidised dinaftolAbstract
The article presents the results of dynamic mechanical tests of fiberglass specimens under the conditions of the effects of intense heating on them, which corresponded to the development of a slowly developing fire.
It is established that with intensive heating at the initial stage of fire, the considered type of fiberglass loses its initial strength, but then, upon cooling, acquires increased rigidity, while maintaining sufficient integrity and relative structural functionality.
In our view, this increase is due to the significant increase in the carbon fraction in the polymer binder with the formation of a more densely packed structure due to the formation of sites with associated aromatic fragments. At the same time, the drop in strength occurs due to the formation of a sufficient number of voids (pores and cracks), the occurrence of which is characteristic of materials of organic nature (plastics based on synthetic polymers) in the process of thermal oxidation destruction under intense heating. It is established that the degree of conservation of the load-bearing strength of the fiberglass can be arranged in the following order: bending> stretching> compression. This behavior of the material indicates the use of additional structural measures when using it as the supporting elements of construction and technological structures.
The determining factor in the observed modification of the composite is the extent of the passage of the pyrolytic transformations of the polymer bond, which can indirectly be characterized by a change in the dynamic mechanical properties of the material under intense heating.
The main role is played by the binder component - the epoxidized naphthalene type oligomer, whose function is reduced to the ability to play a role in the volume of the polymer matrix of coke formation germs.
The above composition of components and the method of its production allows to develop polymeric composite materials without the use of additional components - flame retardants (retardants), which complicate the technology of obtaining the composite and in some cases reduce its initial physical and mechanical properties.
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