elevator, city, elevator facilities, modernization, fixed assets, efficiencyAbstract
The concept of management the technical condition of fixed assets of the elevators facilities are considered. This concept summarizes the technical and economic measures for reliability and provides the ability to make decisions for improve the level of efficiency at all stages of their life cycle.
According to the normative values of separate elements technical resources of fixed assets allocate separate groups which are subject to replacement in 10, 15 and 20 years. This allows to systematize the periodicity of technical impacts and optimize decisions on the further use of elevators facilities fixed assets before reaching the normative 25 years. That is to solve questions of expediency further use: repairing with prolongation of operation period, full modernization, renewal or utilization.
The target function are considered in the article. This target function include costs of maintenance and scheduled and unscheduled repairs.
According to the target function, the total cost of maintenance and repair of elevator fixed assets should be within the established minimum-expediency costs while ensuring the appropriate quality and available or practically possible resources.
The decision of questions of renewal, prolongation of operation period by repairs or modernization of fixed assets conducted with account available volumes of financing, a level of a technical condition and service life.
Modernization of elevator facilities fixed assets is the perspective way to bring the elevator’s industry from the crisis. During modernization of elevators the costs are reduced by 25-30% as opposed to replacement a new elevator.
The economic, social and technical factors, wich needed for modernization the elevator facilities fixed assets are systematized.
Deciding on the need to modernization the elevator fixed assets in the work is recommended to take into account two criterias of expediency. The first criteria of expediency of modernization is determined by the purpose of improvement quality rendering of services at the initiative of owners of elevators, consumers of services, etc. The second criteria of economic feasibility of modernization shows the difference in the cost of providing services to home tenats of basic and modernized fixed assets. The calculations shown that during the modernization of the base elevator, unlike the buying of a new one, it is possible to achieve in the cities of Ukraine an annual economic effect of more than 200 thousand UAH.
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