business reputation, strategic monitoring, information and analytical support, evaluation, stakeholders.Abstract
The article is devoted to the formation of analytical support for strategic monitoring of the business reputation of water supply and sewerage companies.
It is established that the current management models and methods, in particular analysis, control, planning, forecasting in modern business conditions are not able to respond quickly and adequately to changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise. The imperfection of the systems of collecting, processing, and systematization of financial information does not allow to fully use the above methods and techniques, as well as to formulate objective conclusions.
Based on the systematization of evaluation methods, the indicators of the level of business reputation (reputation indices) of the surveyed enterprises are calculated and interpreted.
It is proved that the system of information-analytical support allows to form the general list of strategies of the enterprise taking into account its features – adaptation to the environment or formation of influence on it. A system of management decisions is proposed, which contains two blocks. The information-analytical block identifies the main subjects of interaction for each parameter of business reputation, identifies the available labor and financial resources to implement measures to improve business reputation. If these conditions are met, the implemented measures are implemented, if not – there is a return to the initial stage. Next, the effectiveness of the proposed measures is analyzed. If measures to improve business reputation have achieved their goal, those responsible for their implementation are selected. The implementation of measures to increase the level of business reputation of water supply and sewerage companies is also constantly monitored. If the selected measures are not effective enough or not effective at all, they direct the adjustment by changing the input data. Then the whole process is repeated again, starting from the first stage, but taking into account the adjustments. The second block contains the overall effect of the implementation of the measures proposed in the first block for certain groups of stakeholders.
It is proved that taking into account the specifics of the water supply and sewerage companies, it should be noted that increasing the area of reputable radar will not lead to an immediate increase in profitability. However, the management of business reputation will achieve some stabilization through the formation of trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with stakeholder groups. Flexibility of interaction and feedback contribute to the achievement of the company's strategy. As a result of the study, a strategic monitoring of the business reputation of water supply and sewerage companies is proposed, the implementation of which will increase the importance of services provided, attract more qualified employees of all levels, – private partnerships, plan payments, effectively manage accounts payable and increase resilience to adverse impacts and crises.
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